Gästebuch |
Name: | - | Homepage: | - | Zeit: | 08.05.2022 um 17:18 (UTC) | Nachricht: | Ein paar Fehler aber trotzdem danke |
Name: | - | E-Mail: | yvonneweber79 googlemail.com | Homepage: | - | Zeit: | 11.11.2021 um 12:36 (UTC) | Nachricht: | Ihr seit meine Rettung...tausend dank von mir und meinem 10 Jährigen Sohn..unserer Lateinlehrerin,,,erwartet nur und gibt keine Hilfestellung....so toll danke, so können wir kontrollieren!!!! |
Name: | - | Homepage: | - | Zeit: | 23.06.2021 um 13:23 (UTC) | Nachricht: | Von prima nova???  |
Name: | - | Homepage: | - | Zeit: | 12.06.2021 um 12:13 (UTC) | Nachricht: | Mega cool |
Name: | - | Homepage: | - | Zeit: | 25.05.2021 um 11:31 (UTC) | Nachricht: | Das ist Safe die beste Latein-Lösungen Seite der Welt. Danke Danke Danke an die die das erstellt hat beim hoomscooling hat mir das sehr geholfen  |
Name: | Kein Name | Homepage: | - | Zeit: | 10.05.2021 um 10:40 (UTC) | Nachricht: | Tolle Seite. Vielen Dank. |
Name: | - | Homepage: | - | Zeit: | 06.05.2021 um 10:49 (UTC) | Nachricht: |  |
Name: | Anonym | E-Mail: | merkesdirunbedingt mail.de | Homepage: | - | Zeit: | 05.05.2021 um 09:07 (UTC) | Nachricht: | Richtig Nice Seite, gibt es aber auch noch die Lösungen für die anderen Lektionen? Nur so als Frage |
Name: | . | E-Mail: | Alexandra.weddingfeld gmx.de | Homepage: | - | Zeit: | 04.05.2021 um 15:06 (UTC) | Nachricht: | Könnt ihr die Lösungen für das Lambacher Schweizer Mathebuch aus der sechsten Klasse reinstellen? Danke????? |
Name: | Ginger | E-Mail: | merkesdirunbedingt mail.de | Homepage: | - | Zeit: | 15.03.2021 um 12:07 (UTC) | Nachricht: | Okay, braucht jemand Hilfe in Englisch, Green Line 3???
Ich hab' da was...
Unit 4:On the move
p.99, Ex.2:
a) 2)Direct speach: I'm at the leasure center with Amarjit.
2)Indirect speach: He said he was at the leisure center with Amarjit.
3)Direct speach: We're having crispsand drinks form the vending machine.
3)Indirect speach: He told me they were having crisps and drinks from the vending machine.
4)Direct speach: Amaryit has just spilled his drink over my crisps.
4)Indirect speach: Eddie said, Amarjit had just spilled his drink over his crisps.
5)Direct speach: I won't let Steve use his phone in France.
5)Indirect speach: I promised your parents I wouldn't let you use your phone in France.
6)Direct speach: There is free wifi at the hostel.
6)Indirect speach: You told us there was free wifi at the hostel.
7)Direct speach: Steve is an addict. He needs a break of his smartphone.
7)Indirect speach: They told me you were an addict and they thought you needed a break from your smartphone.
b)Simple present → Simple past: I am → He was
Simple past → Past perfect: I went → He had gone
Present Perfect → Past Perfect: I was staying → He had been staying
Past perfect → Past perfect: I could → He could
c)1) Steve told me he hadn't had time
2) Steve said he had forgotten. He'd send them a message to ask.
3) Ms Woodruff said, it would be time ti get back on the coach.
4) Steve interrupt, they wouldn't be in France yet. They were still on ferry.
5) The coach compromised, he could have his phone for half an hour in the evenings.
d)He told me, He said, He interrupted, He shouted, He said, He asked, He compromised...
Wenn euch das geholfen hat, werde ich mehr Lösungen posten.
Wenn ihr eine ganz bestimmte Aufgabe sucht, fragt mich!
Ginger |
Hilft uns!
Wenn ihr Lösungen für Schulbücher
des Gymnasium Himmelsthür habt.
Schreibt sie einfach in das Gästebuch. |